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On The Air!

WGRE's Taylor Fleming (left) had a chance to interview Jonathan Rauch (second from Left), Brookings Institution Senior Fellow, about his visit to DePauw to talk about the essential concepts of freedom of expression, on February 10, 2022. www.wgre.org #wgre #depauw

Every year with an election WGRE and the League of Women Voters sponsor Candidate Debates in Watson Forum in the Pulliam Center for Contemporary Media

"State Of The Castle"
Thursdays at 5p
Have a News Tip? Contact our News Director !
State of the Castle, 2-6-25
This week, interviews with Creative School Dean Marcus Hayes about the ongoing plans for the school, and Alexandra Quesada, from the DePauw Opera. Broadcast 2-6-25.
Are you interested in having a Public Service Announcement for your organization on the air with WGRE? Please forward any community announcements to wgre@depauw.edu!
WGRE carries the Associated Press News at the top of the hour
every weekday.

Call Us: 765-658-4641
Text Us: 765-761-3561

Congratulations to our DJ of the Semester, Rebecca Jackson, Saturdays @7p!
DJOTW Countdown